Информация для специалистов здравоохранения.
ТОО «Астеллас Фарма»
г.Алматы, пр.Аль-Фараби, 15, ПФЦ «Нурлы Тау», здание 4В, офис 19-4В-10
Тел.\Факс: +7 (727)311 - 13–90, 311-13-89
Besins Healthcare is a pharmaceutical company focused on the development of innovative drugs to support men's and women's health.
For the past 30 years, Besins Healthcare has been a strong presence in the production of innovative drugs for the maintenance of pregnancy and the treatment of gynecological diseases, and is also a recognized expert in the field of testosterone replacement therapy. Currently, the company's headquarters is located in Monaco, from where the operational management of regional offices and interaction with partner companies in more than 90 countries is carried out.